主 页
export figure survey:
ITS:395015(oct 1-10)
SGS:382826(oct 1-10)
early record / outer source

26 June 2008

olein and stearin seperation

According to the Ministry of Health, Malaysia (MOH) the food regulation for RBD is as stated below. RBD Palm Sterin Regulation 183 (Food Regulations 1985):
Refined, bleached, deodorized palm stearin shall be the solid fraction obtained by the fractionation of either crude palm oil, which is subsequently refined, bleached and deodorized or by the fractionation of refined, bleached, deodorized palm oil as specified in regulation 196.

RBD Palm Sterin shall have: 1. An iodine value of from 21.6 to 49.4.
2. A saponification value of from 193 to 206 milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram.
3. A melting point of not less than 44 °C.

RBD Palm Sterin shall not contain: 1. 0.15 per cent of water and impurities.
2. 0.20 per cent of free fatty acid(as palmitic acid).

RBD Palm Olein Regulation 183
(Food Regulations 1985):
Refined, bleached, deodorized palm olein shall be the liquid fraction obtained by the process of fractionation of either crude palm oil which is subsequently refined, bleached and deodorized, or by the fractionation of refined, bleached, deodorized palm oil as specified in regulation 196.

RBD Palm Sterin shall not contain: 1. An iodine value of not less than 56.
2. A saponification value of from 194 to 202 milligrams potassium hydroxide per gram.
3. A melting point of not more than 24°C.

src : http://www.primahalal.com/technology/safar.htm

note: it should spell "stearin"

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